I’ve bought so many patterns but have so many projects in some form of progress, that when Liesl mentioned the sew-a-long, I thought, yes, let’s bump that up the list.
I had some cheap offcuts that I bought at Spotlight ages ago that I thought would be perfect for a light sweatshirt. It’s a lightweight knit that is definitely not cotton. I determined this by setting the iron to cotton and tried to press a scrap. While it didn’t melt, it definitely didn’t press.
As I cut out the pieces, I discovered that I didn’t have enough to cut the lower sleeves in grey, so I created a stripe and cut the rest of the sleeve in blue. I’m happy with this as I actually wanted a mostly blue sleeve.
I also had to piece the hem band. I really screwed this one up and cut it with the grain instead of across. But because it’s not a tight fit, I decided to add it anyway to finish it off.
And so here we are, a completed sweatshirt that I think fits well!